Your pregnancy

PrenaTest® can be performed starting at week 9+0 of pregnancy

On the following pages you will find detailed answers to many questions regarding the PrenaTest®. Please note that they do not replace the consultation with your responsible doctors in order to decide whether the test is appropriate for you.


Should I have the PrenaTest® performed?

In principle, the PrenaTest® is suitable for all pregnant women. You and your doctor can discuss together whether the test is also appropriate for you. Many women choose to undergo the PrenaTest® because of their age or because they are concerned about prior abnormal test results.


When can I have the PrenaTest® performed?

You can undergo the PrenaTest® after the ninth week of pregnancy has been completed (week 9+0 since LMP). Discuss with your doctor when the PrenaTest® would be most advisable for you personally.


Can the PrenaTest® also be performed in the case of a twin pregnancy or after a fertility treatment?

The PrenaTest® can also be performed in the case of a twin pregnancy, following fertility treatment (for example, following IVF or ICSI) as well as after egg donation.

