Novel qPCR-based PrenaTest® successfully validated in clinical study

Konstanz, Germany, December 1, 2015 –LifeCodexx AG reported today the successful validation of its innovative qPCR-based NIPT assay designed to determine fetal trisomy 21 from maternal blood. The blinded study with close to 700 samples demonstrates clearly that the accuracy of the new qPCR-based PrenaTest® is superior to the accuracy of the combined test and comparable to the performance of current non-invasive prenatal tests based on next generation sequencing or microarrays.

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PrenaTest® is now reimbursed by Swiss statutory health insurance programs

Constance, Germany – Now many pregnant women who are insured in Switzerland could benefit from the PrenaTest®. As the first non-invasive prenatal test in Europe for the detection of chromosomal disorders from maternal blood it will be reimbursed by the statutory health insurance (OKP) in Switzerland starting July 15, 2015. This decision was made by the Federal Department of Home Affairs (EDI) on recommendation of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG).

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