Why choose PrenaTest®?

Prenatal examination methods in comparison

On the one hand, the PrenaTest® is safe for your unborn child and on the other hand, it determines very accurately whether or not any of the chromosome disorders tested are present.

What other options are available to test my unborn child for chromosomal disorders?

Previous tests determine these chromosomal disorders using ultrasound, such as in the case of nuchal fold thickness measurement, for example, as well as by measuring certain pregnancy hormones in the blood. They are non-invasive and thus they also are safe for the child, but they have limited accuracy. In addition, there are also invasive test methods in which amniotic fluid or placental tissue is sampled during a medical procedure and examined. The invasive methods have a very high degree of accuracy, however, they run the risk of a miscarriage. With the PrenaTest®, a new testing method with the advantages and without the drawbacks of the two conventional methods is now available to you. On the one hand, it is safe for your unborn child and on the other hand, it determines very accurately whether or not any of the chromosome disorders tested are present.


Prenatal examination methods in comparison

Prenatal examination methods in comparison


