LifeCodexx expands its PrenaTest® spectrum and reports positive reimbursement decision in Germany

Constance, Germany – PrenaTest®, Europe‘s first non-invasive molecular genetic prenatal diagnostic test (NIPT) to determine fetal chromosome disorders from maternal blood, now comprises two additional test options. One new option allows physicians to add the determination of fetal gonosomal aneuploidy for singleton pregnancies, such as Turner, Triple X, Klinefelter and XYY syndrome, to the standard analysis of fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13. The second new option exclusively determines trisomy 21 in the unborn child. Therefore, depending on the medical issue, physicians and their patients can now select from a total range of three PrenaTest® options for singleton and multiple pregnancies with an average waiting time for the test results of eight working days or even four working days, if express service is selected.

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New data confirms clinical benefit – PrenaTest® reduces the number of invasive prenatal diagnostic examinations by almost 70 %

Constance, Germany – A recent clincial study at the University Hospital in Basel (Switzerland) revealed that invasive examinations declined by almost 70 % within the first nine months after the introduction of the PrenaTest® in Switzerland. This result confirms the clinical value of the PrenaTest® as Europe’s first non-invasive molecular genetic prenatal diagnostic test for the determination of fetal trisomies 21, 18 and 13 from maternal blood. A total of 951 women were included in this independent retrospective study after first trimester screening and who had an elevated risk for fetal trisomies.

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PrenaTest® is now applicable for multiple pregnancies

Constance, Germany – As Europe’s first non-invasive molecular diagnostic blood test for the determination of fetal chromosomal aneuploidies from maternal blood, PrenaTest® has now successfully been validated for use in multiple pregnancies. It is the only blood test that can be used without any restriction following all methods of fertility treatment, such as IVF or egg donation, after the 9th week of gestation. To date, several thousand PrenaTest® analysis have been been successfully performed in singleton pregnancies.

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