
Non-invasive examination for the determination of the fetal chromosomal disorders from maternal blood

Starting in week 9 + 0 since LMP, the PrenaTest® uses the blood sample from a pregnant woman to determine autosomal trisomies 21, 18, 13, gonosomal aneuploidies (Turner, triple X, Klinefelter and XYY syndromes), 22q11.2 microdeletion (associated with DiGeorge syndrome) as well as – NEW – rare autosomal aneuploidies (RAA). With the PrenaTest® you can fully implement the recommendations of the professional associations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, since it offers the appropriate test panel.

Did you know that…

… NIPT is recommended as a primary screening method for all pregnant women?1.With the PrenaTest® option 1, you can implement this recommendation cost-efficiently for your patient.


1 Schmid M et al. Cell-Free DNA Testing for Fetal Chromosomal Anomalies in clinical practice: Austrian-German-Swiss Recommendations for non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT).

Ultraschall in Med 2015; 36:507-510



The advantage for more knowledge – genome-wide analysis of rare autosomal aneuploidies

With the new PrenaTest® options 2 Plus and 3 Plus you can now additionally have rare autosomal aneuploidies (RAA) tested. RAAs include testing of autosomal chromosomes 1 – 12, 14 – 17, 19 – 20 and 22 for monosomy and trisomy as well as chromosomes 13, 18 and 21 for monosomy.


